Tuesday 7 October 2008


I came up with this name, because we have moved house in the summer of 2007. The name of the street is free translated: Thunderroad.

I had a Renault 5 GT Turbo at that time, and got enthousiastic about fast cars. Next to the 5 I wanted something special. As I was still a student (Bsc. Mechanical Engineering), I did not even have a dime to scratch my ars. Well, not enough dimes to buy me a decent sportscar. When I got to know about 'the book' (How to build your own sportcar for as little as 250 pounds) I ordered it via internet and started. I knew in beforehand it was going to be a long run. There are other thing in my life which have priority, but sometimes I have difficulties to put down the angle grinder and the welding torch. Now, after 6 (!) years of buiding (on and off), I have a rolling chassis. I am very motivated to complete the project within 1 or 2 years.

I started with a Ford Escort Mk1, 1974. I stripped it and got rid of the chassis.

I started the fabrication of the spaceframe september 2002.

Spring 2003.

Summer 2003. I got myself a cool welding machine! Chassis fully welded. Note that most brackets and mounts are still missing. I still had to fit the engine, make the wishbones etc.

After finding we were expecting a baby by October 2003 we were moving to a bit bigger house. WITH A BIG GARAGE! :))) A lot of time is taken by the baby and by building and renovating the house. A continuous job. When there was nothing urgent to do, I took the time to work on the chassis.

Fall 2005! Only 2,5 years after last picture. Cleaning and painting the chassis. Cleaning has been done with an angle grinder and steel brush and with sandpaper discs. Note the 'baby' on the background. He has grown to little boy.

In the next period of time I have made the engine mounts, gearbox mount and steel bottom plate.

Again, in summer 2007 we have moved to another house. This time a farm house from 1912. It was in a very bad shape. A lot of spare time went into the house. Spare time was getting rare because of two beautiful children and a beautiful wife, working in health care.

Finally somewhere in spring 2008 the top-priority repairs and rebuilds were taken care of, and work on the 7 could continue. First job: suspension.

I am working on the house and the 7 in the same time. I like working on the house as well, but sometimes I feel that there is not enough progress on the 7.


And also, some other pictures:
Children (picture 2007) ...

... and wife.

And the old farm house.

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